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ANRITSU MW9076B1 /01/02 1.31/1.55um OTDR
JPY250,000 1stock

1.31/1.55um SM FC/SC 40.5dBDynamicRange 1k-400kmDistance 8mdeadzone 8inchColorLCD DisttanceRange:1,2.5,5,10,25,50,100,200,250,400Km Pulse10-20000ns
Dymanic:42.5dB(1.31um)38.5dB(1.55) Dead<8m(1.31) <9m(1.55um) Marker sampling 5001-50Kpoints acc 1m Lossmeasure0.05dB Autoset
Optical Power Meter;
1200-1700nm,+3 to -70dBm,
Bsttry6h 4W
194H290W30D 3.7Kg Display:MU250000A ColorLCD

OPT01:Visible light source (635+-15nm,-3+-1.5dBm,10/125um SM),
OPT02:Optical Power Meter (1.2um to1.7um,+3 to -70dbm,+-5%@-30dBm1.31/1.55um),
Manual*2,AC Adapter,Battery Pack,Optical Connector(FC)
Carring Case,Front Cover,Power Cord,