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HIOKI 3157 3A-31A AC Grounding Hitester

Basic functions:
AC 4-terminal method resistance measurement
Max. output power:130 VA (at output terminals)
Generator frequency:
50 Hz or 60 Hz sine wave (selectable)
AC 3.0A- 31.0A, res: 0.1 A
Resistance measurement:
0 to 1.800 Ω (0.001 Ω resolution), Accuracy: ±2% rdg. ±4 dgt. after zero-adjust

Voltage measurement:
0 to 6.00 V AC (single range 0.01 V resolution), Accuracy: (1 % rdg. +5 dgt.)

Timer setting:0.5 s to 999 s

Maker Price: 200,000
Power Cord