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Solartron M-PSTAT Potentiostat 予約中
JPY550,000 1stock

Impedance measurement bandwidth:1 MHz (via FRA)
Maximum ADC sample rate: 1 MS/s
Smooth scan generator:
64 MS/s interpolated and filtered
DC scan rate (potentiostatic) 1.6 MV/s 1 µV/s1
DC scan rate (galvanostatic) 60 kA/s to 200 µA/s
Minimum pulse duration:1 µs
Voltage polarization range: ±8 V
Current polarization range: ±300 mA
Bandwidth (decade steps): 1 MHz to 10 Hz
Slew rate: >10 V/µs
Maximum current: ±300 mA
Maximum resolution 1.5 pA

Maker price:JPY2,600,000

M-PSTAT Test movie
RE cable(20870301D),CE/WE cable(20870323B),LO cable(20870308D),RE cable(20870332B),Alligator clip*10,0.1ohm Cell(208713A),Test cell(20877A)