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YOKOGAWA PX8000-D-HJ/B5/G5/M2 Precision Power Scope

1V 1A 1kHz Measure

Harmonix Measure

Main Frame/Unit information

Precision Power Scope
Number of slots: 8
B5: Built-in printer
G5: Harmonic measurement function
M2: 1 million memory extension

760811: Voltage module*4
12-bit sampling at up to 100MS/s
DC to 20MHz bandwidth (-3dB)
1.5V to 1000Vrms direct input
45Hz to 1kHz accuracy: 0.1% of reading, +0.1% of range
Max 1000 Vrms common mode voltage

760812: Current module*4
12-bit sampling at up to 100MS/s
DC to 10MHz bandwidth (-3dB, direct input)
DC to 20MHz bandwidth (-3dB, sensor voltage input)
10mA to 5Arms direct input
50mV to 10Vrms sensor input
45Hz to 1kHz accuracy: 0.1% of reading, +0.1% of range
Max 600 Vrms common mode voltage

Maker price:JPY3,380,000
Manual,CDROM(manual),wrench,Front cover,Safety adapter