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ILX Lightwave LDC-3724B 10V 500mA Laser Diode Controller

Current Range: 200mA / 500mA res4uA acc0.05%
Compliance Volt : 0-10V res50uV acc2.5%
PhotoDiode Feedback : Differential Bias 0-5V Current:5-5000uA
External Analog Modulation :0-10V 50mA/V DC-1MHz /DC-15KHz
Measurement : Output Current(0-500.00mA) PhotoDiode Current (0-5000uA) ,PhotoDiode Responce (0.00-1000.00uA/mW) OutputPower (0.00-5050.0mW)
Forward Voltage (0.000-10.000V)
Temp Control -100frgC-+199 degC res 0.1degC
AD590 & LM335 Setpoint –20°C to 50°C res 0.01°C
TEC Output : DC8V 4A 32W
Temp Sensor : Types
Thermistor: 2-wire NTC IC Temperature Sensor: AD590/LM335 RTD Sensor: Pt 100/Other 100Ω RTD
Thermistor Sensing Current: 10/100µA
Sensor Bias: AD590=8V,LM335=1mA RTD=0.8mA
GP-IB AC 100-240V 127mm x 353mm x 345mm 10.2Kg